Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Black Hole that is "TWILIGHT"

I have to admit that I too have been "sucked in" to the Twilight series. I started reading the first book after a weekend at Jed and Leona's. Leona, her friends, and Celina (fillmore--who I work with) all talked about it to the point that I had to read them. I was lucky the first one was at the Library. When I was done with it, the second one was all checked out. I am not super impatient, but we happened to go to Borders to use a coupon and so we bought it. When I was done with that one I played the patient card and put my name on the waiting list for the third one. Luckily I only had to wait a few days. I really wish I hadn't bought New Moon because it was my least favorite out of all of them.

I heard that they were making a movie of Twilight that would come out in December so I decided to check it out. I am already skeptical. As I watched the short clip it showed I kept thinking, "That's not how it happened." I didn't get a good look at whoever playes Edward, but how can you find an actor that is as perfect as Edward is supposed to be? I guess we will all just have to go see it when it comes out.

If you are curious, you can click here to go to the movie website.


Jed and Leona said...

i totally agree with you on everything. i don't think i'll like the movie as much as the book...they have to change a few things and bella thinks alot, it's hard to show the feelings through thought. also, no one can ever match up to edward!
if you check out my sister's blog (celeste hughes), she has a link that shows all of the actors and actresses for the movie.

Alisa F. said...

Edward is not a good match in the movie. I've watched about a million clips about it (Edward is played by the same guy who played Cedric Digory in Harry Potter) and he just doesn't fit. I'm SURE there are other actors that would have been better (James McAvoy, for example). But you're right - you can't find that perfection, even in Hollywood (epecially since the perfection is all in your head! :)I'm glad you've joined our clan. We'll have to all go to the movie together, even if it won't be as great as the books.

Yomama said...

I have a feeling the lines at the theatre will be filled with women and few patient men, that there will be a lot of whispering during the movie("that's not right - couldn't they find a more perfect actor - etc."), and all the hype may not be in their favor, since we all have particular expectations. Anyway, I'm the oldest obsessor I know of, but it's been fun to share this with the the girls, and even Ben, Nate, and now TIM! (I read Twilight to him while we drove the endless miles of our vacation, and though he's not grabbing the next book - we own all three, and four is coming when released - he did enjoy it.) Stephanie Meyers has definitely created a cult... Fun to check in you, sweetie - Hope your life is wonderful!
Hugs, Auntie Karla

Yomama said...

Sorry, check in on you - stupid typos... ;-]