Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Christmas Project

I don't know what made me think of this idea, but once it was in my head I couldn't get it out. I decided to make stick-horses like we had as kids for my nephew and niece for Christmas. It ended up being quite the endeavor. The "pattern" my mom had was just pieces of clothe she had cut out. So we spent a day trying to figure out what it was supposed to look like, based completely on a picture of Jed and De on their horses when they were Reid and William's age:

Now that I've done a couple, it wouldn't be too hard to do again. I had fun and hope they will be used with as much love as we had for ours. The red one was made for Gavin and the White-haired one was made for Michael's niece Julia. She loved it!


Kellie said...

those turned out awesome!!!

Yomama said...

Wow, you little crafter, you! What great gifts! They did indeed turn out well. It was great to see you!!Hope Michael is enjoying Devil's Lake in all its negative-degree glory... And that he's back to you, safe and sound, soon.
Sure love yer guts,
Auntie Karla

D-n-E said...

Those are so cute! Would you share the pattern?

Shannon said...

Wow, did you read my mind? Xander has been trying to ride around on his little stuffed animals and I keep thinking I need to find a pattern to make one of those. Did you happen to write one down or will you send us one? That's two requests, Emmi and me! PLEASE!!!

de and kat said...

Alta, thanks for posting the picture of De and Jed with their horses. I love seeing pictures of De when he was young--so so cute! Your horses turned out very cute as well! It reminds me of the one I used to play with at my grandma's house.

Leif Burton said...

I know it is a bit late, but just wanted you to know that Gavin loved his as well. You're pretty talented...for a peck.