Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Glimpse of our House!

You asked and asked, and things have finally slowed down enough for me to share a few pictures of our house. We refinished the floors before we moved in, so it was a mad rush at the end of the month to get moved out of the apartment. Now I can breathe a little while I try to organize everything into our house so it will feel like a home. We are very excited to be in the house. It has a great yard! Lots and lots of cool plants, but everything needs a little upkeep as the house has been vacant for a while and the previous owners just let the landscaping just do it's own thing.
First off, the floors.
As you can see, there was a lot of wear on the floor. This is the hall going out of the living room. The living room had been refinished more recently, and you can see the line.
The north bedroom.
The living room. As you can see, it's not as bad as the back rooms, but still not great.
View from front door. Living room and kitchen.
Office Floor.

Office floor from the other side. Yeah, it didn't look great. Those hot legs are Michael's.
Bedroom floor.
You can really see the wear. This is another view of the north bedroom.
The hot guy who came and refinished the floors. Mmm-Hmm.
This is between coats of polyurethane. We did a Satin finish, so it isn't super glossy, which I like.

North Bedroom. Much better.
Putting on the last coat of urethane. Stinky stuff. When we did the first layer it was my job to move the pan and mop up drips as he went. I got SO sick from the fumes though. By the last coat, he was doing it all himself while a stayed in the fresh air, or worked on other stuff.
Mask required. We started out with all the windows and doors open, thinking that would be enough to keep the fumes from getting us. We were wrong.
This is my favorite tree on our property. It's a Japanese Maple, I think. The leaves are soft and it's a short lil' thang. I love it.The benefit of moving to the house at this time of year is that we get to enjoy all the fabulous blooms. We have flowering dogwoods, irises, lavender, rosemary, lilaacs, peonies, poppies, 'grape clusters', tulips, and so much more. Beautiful stuff. Unfortunately I haven't taken pictures of all of them so you will have to take my word for it. The above bush is bright pink.

This is to show you the pretty contrast between the white flowers of the tree, and the deep burgundy of the maple. When the sun shines on that tree it glows! I tried to take a picture of it in the sun, but it was too bright for the camera.
I want to share more pictures after we have things more in their place. Right now all you would see are opened boxes and randomness.
Well, that is all for now. Tune in next month for more.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

It' been a while...

Yes, I know, it's been a while. I'm sure I should post more about my life, but that will have to come later. I just wanted to share a project I just completed. I've had the parts for a while now, but just decided to finally put them together. I made a quilt of my old t-shirts from high school. Looking at it you would think that all I did was play volleyball. I did a lot of other things, but they just didn't have t-shirts. :) It was a fun little project to get off my "to-do" list.

I can't remember which year each volleyball shirt goes with. They were the shirts we got as a team and we would where these to school on away game days, and dresses on home game days.
Top row, left to right: 1. Volleyball shirt. 2. Senior shirt w/all our signatures. and yes...those are ALL of the signatures of my graduating class. 3.Volleyball shirt.
2nd Row: 1. The Mousetrap t-shirt. It's a play based on a book by Agatha Christie. I was a lowly prop director, and I rocked. Mom and I made some sweet props for that play. I did quite a few plays in high school, but we only had t-shirts for two of them. Sad. 2.CTVB shirt. This was the volleyball camp I attended each summer. Great camp. Sore muscles to cry for. Aaaah, the memories. 3. D.A.R.E. 'nuff said.
3rd row: 1. Utah Centennial shirt. This is actually from 4th grade. Me and another girl were selected to go sing at the re-dedication of the "This is the Place Monument" in SLC for part of Utah's Centennial celebration. We wore these shirts. :) 2.CTVB Canyon volleball camp, again. 3. My Volleyball uniform from my freshman year. After that, they stopped putting our names on them so they could be re-used. Yes....I was "Number 1" :).
4th row: 1. back of "Annie" play t-shirt showing cast and crew. (see 4th row #3 for front). I was Annie. It was fun. Anellisa's dog Saboka played "Sandy". 2. Another School Volleyball shirt. 3. The front of the "Annie" shirt.
5th row: 1. CVTB Volleyball camp shirt...again. 2.Senior t-shirt. 3. Another school volleyball shirt. Volleyball is fun! :)
Additions: If you look close you will find pieces of my "HOBY" leadership t-shirt, and UREA.
A glimpse at the back. Can you guess what my school colors were?
The End.